Market Rate Watch

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You likely heard the the Federal Reserve Board increased the federal funds rate by three quarters of a percentage point this week, in response to rising inflation (most obviously felt when going to the gas station!). The Fed wants to combat too much liquidity by making borrowing more expensive. As a result mortgage rates have increased from near record lows of the last few years. With higher rates more borrowers are looking into adjustable rate mortgages (ARMs). ARMs were not a favored option with record low rates, but now they are looking more appealing to many borrowers.

As we know the Fed is reacting to a number of factors, as mentioned trying to reign in liquidity, as well as global events that were not anticipated (Russia invading Ukraine the primary one, as well as supply chain issues). The Fed is attempting to cool down the economy now. If you are looking to purchase a new home there a still a number of loan options. Fill out our loan finder or schedule a consult our website to see what options are best for you.