Real Estate Investing 101

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A lot of folks want to invest in real estate as a way to build wealth. Here are some basic starting points if this is something you’ve been thinking about.
There are two main models that people use when investing in residential real estate – fix and flip or using it as a rental property.
Regardless of which one you want to focus on, the old adage of location, location, location still holds.
A property in need of TLC in a good neighborhood or an area that is up and coming are great strategies.
Build a network and actively research – it’s a good idea to be in touch with a few realtors who can alert you of new listings that are coming to market.
You’ll also want to have a clear idea of your goals, budget and commitment. If you’re fixing and flipping – who is going to do the fixing, if its you, how much time do you have to focus on it.
If you’re renting you’ll want to know the market rents and have clear renting guidelines – the old 1% rule is not used as much anymore as it doesn’t apply to many or most markets but with low interest rates you can try something like 0.8% rule.
Whatever your plan, you’ll definitely want to get per-qualified first. Give us a call and see what you can qualify for and we’ll help get you that pre-qual letter!